Muzamil Baig
Muzamil Baig
Manager - Quality

Muzamil Baig holds Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree in Total Quality Management, and a Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) degree in Bio-Technology. Additionally, Muzamil is a Certified Lead Auditor of ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System (QMS) standard and a Certified Lean Six Sigma Black belt. Muzamil has also completed the training course on Genetic Resource Policies for CGIAR Scientists, and recently earned a Diploma in Fostering Innovation and Commercialization of Intellectual Property Rights from Copenhagen Business School, Denmark.

Muzamil plays an instrumental role in promoting the culture of quality at ICRISAT genebank, which involves implementing audit recommendations, developing standard operating procedures (SOPs) and guidelines for operations, documenting protocols, and managing risks in accordance with global standards and policies and conducting training programs for staff on QMS. Muzamil also assists the Intellectual Property office by facilitating the transfer of genetic materials. Muzamil is also playing the role of secretary for ICRISAT's Controlled Environment Research Advisory committee-Asia. Muzamil has more than 16 years of experience in fields of Quality Assurance and Quality Management and has worked in India and Oman.